
Sunday, July 4, 2021

How to conduct an experiment.

 In class, we were learning how fertilizer is bad for our estuaries and if water is better to use or if fertilizer is better to use and our story that we are writing is an explanation.

Explanation Writing Assessment Term 2 2021 Snapshot

Name: Taitokerau I have shared this back to Whaea Lana? Yes 

Write to explain one of the following: How plants excrete, how gardeners are like scientists, how farmers deal with effluent, or how something works (like a battery circuit) 

How to conduct an experiment



Today I am going to explain to you how to conduct an experiment and what we did to figure out how fertilizer will affect our entries and what it will do to our water creatures and to our water.


The stuff that we need is a bottle that has nothing in it. We need a knife, some sand, some rocks, some duckweed, and lastly some fertilizer and water to go in when you finish putting everything in place.

fertilizer affects our estuaries

Firstly, year 7&8 students studied how fertilizer will affect our entries and what will happen if there is too much fertilizer in our entries. When our class figured out how fertilizer will affect our entries we decided that we would do an experiment about it and how runoff is a bad thing for our environment.

 fertilizer or water

Secondly, we had made a plan of what we are going to use and what we are going to do for our experiment to see which is better fertilizer or water.

`Which one do you reckon is better to use?

So we had done an experiment to see which one is better to use water or fertilizer and we figured out that water is better to use because it keeps the plant healthy and fertilizer makes the plant not as healthy as the plant that has water in it and it does not look alive like the one that has water in it6 and it looks alive.


In summary, I have enjoyed learning about fertilizer and how it affected our estuaries and what will happen if fertilizer is in our estuaries.