
Sunday, August 8, 2021

The epic holiday program

in-class we have been learning how to put figurative language in our story and to put different sentence starters in our story too.

At the moment I am still learning how to put that stuff in my story and I need support with putting commas and good punctuation in my story.

The breakaway

On the last day of the holiday program, myself and everyone else that came to the holiday program got ready to go to Whangarei. Whaea Michelle and Komene were putting the holiday program onto two buses so one bus would go to the pools and the other bus would go to the Action Zone.

Heading to Whangarei

We waited a few minutes and then we could go to Whangarei. Whaea, Michelle said, “Listen up, we're going to the action zone first.” Suddenly our whole bus exploded into excitement. “Yay! we don't have to go to the pools first.” We all yelled out yay we get to have more time at the pools because we're going to the Action zone first.

Action zone

When the bus arrived at the Action zone we had to get some other shoes so that we could go bowling. Then it was our turn to go laser tagging at the same place then when we finished, we had to go back on the bus so that we could go to the pools. 


When we all arrived at the pools we were excited. We all jumped out of the bus and we went in and straight away all you could smell was chlorine. The waves swallowed me when I was trying to go to the whirlpool. Some people didn’t like the smell of chlorine; other people weren't bothered by the smell. Then we ran to go and get changed and when we were finished we ran to get into the pool. 20 minutes later we had to go and have something to eat and when we finished eating we went to go and do some munus with the boys and some people that we didn't know. Then we had to get out and get changed.

Bus ride back

On our way back from Whangarei we had a singing comp to see who could win a $50 gift and the people that was in the competition was Parani, Hera, Te ihi, the boys, Toni, Kayden, and Kash then me I was the last one to sing and I was so embarrassed to sing by myself the ones that won was the boys they won the $50 gift card.


I  enjoyed going to the holiday program. It was cool and I had fun meeting other people.

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